5 Data Backup & Disaster Recovery Tips

Friday, 31 May 2013

Backup your files on discs!
Backup your files on discs and be sure to store them in a secure location off-site.
Whether you own a large corporation or run a small business from home, it is essential that you are aware of the Importance of data backup and disaster recovery. Unfortunately you can never predict when disaster is going to strike in the work place. A disaster can be anything from system failure, to damage caused by a flood, fire or earthquake. Many businesses that experience a disaster never fully recover. Follow our simple tips below to ensure that your business does not become one of them.

1.) Primary back-up solutions:

Your customer database is one of your most valuable assets. Without it your business may not be able to function. This is why it is essential to make back-up copies of your database as well as other important files and information. Back-up copies can be made on disks, USB sticks and external hard drives. Understandably many business owners are wary of copies being made, especially of confidential data, so it is important that these copies are stored in a secure location off-site.

2.) Secondary back-up solutions:

Larger businesses will be able to store back-up copies of their files in an off-site data centre, but this is not an affordable option for many small to medium sized businesses. Instead why not Store your files on the cloud? This virtual form of storage, known as cloud computing, enables businesses to upload their files to a safe place on the internet. These files can be accessed remotely using a username and password.

Cloud computing is an affordable solution for small to medium sized businesses. Shop around to find the host offering the best price and be sure to check their terms and conditions. Using cloud storage will give you the peace of mind knowing that your files are safe, even if your physical IT infrastructure has been damaged.

3.) Use a virtual server:

A virtual server is capable of hosting a replica of your physical environment. It can be accessed remotely and often works out much cheaper than having a physical back-up server. If something unfortunate has happened to your workplace, you can simply access the virtual server within minutes from an off-site location.

4.) Create a data retention policy:

All businesses should have a data retention policy in place. This policy should inform your employees of the importance of backing up their data. It should tell them what data they need to back up, when they should do it and how it needs to be done. Business owners should schedule regular back-up sessions and appoint a member of their team to oversee it. If you fail to teach your staff the importance of backing up data, you may find that you are left with out of date copies of your files, which will not be of any worth to your business in the event of a disaster.

External hard drives are great for backing-up
External hard drives are great for backing-up data but it is essential that they are kept in a secure location, especially if they contain confidential data.

5.) Test your plan:

It is important to create a disaster and recovery plan that is clear, concise and easy for your staff to follow. A step-by-step guide is always useful. Appoint a leader to oversee the whole procedure as you may be busy doing other things like contacting your insurance company.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to regularly test your plan. It would be no good to find out that your back-up copies do not work, or that you cannot gain access to your virtual server in the middle of a disaster. The more you test your plan, the less likely you are to face problems recovering your data, should disaster strike your workplace.

The key to successful data back-up and disaster recovery planning is to always plan for the worst. It is much better to spend time and money preparing for a disaster than to find that you are left with no resources to run your business if something unfortunate happens.

Author Bio:
Written by SAS London, digital agency based in the United Kingdom.

Image credits: bobbigmac&miss karen

Few Most Popular Online Bmx Games

Friday, 31 May 2013

Few Most Popular Online Bmx Games

Online gaming industry has been on a roll recently. Millions of games have emerged on the surface of internet and thousands are adding up daily. This immense addition is because of the massive demand of online gaming that has emerged. Due to the advent of fast internet connections and high-end graphics cards, it has become possible to play high graphic games online without having to install anything in your PC and waste your disk space that much. Same goes for the industry of BMX Games Online, more and more companies are launching various kinds of BMX games due to its high demand in online gaming industry.

Most of the BMX games you will find on web will have high-end graphics and fancy background music being used in them.

Few of the most famous Online BMX games are:

  • Alex Trax
  • Extreme
  • Park
  • Ramp
  • Tricks
  • Street Ride
  • BMX Boy
  • Ghost
  • BMX Master
  • Pro-Style
  • Stunts
  • BMX Back Flips
BMX Street Ride is considered as best of all of them, with a very high-end graphics and detailed instructions for beginners on how to play and master BMX. Games like BMX Street Ride has made it very easy for beginners to learn the BMX riding and master the tricks and stunts, most of the beginners prefer to play the Freestyle BMX ride in this game which makes it a very good learning experience for beginners and can be used as an effective training tool for even experienced Cyclists.

BMX Master Game is one another popular BMX game online, this game has a lot more professional look and provides cooler and sophisticated features, such as you can conduct a championship in this game which make the whole BMX gaming a lot more fun and interactive. Furthermore, if you are a cycling enthusiast, who likes to perform cool stunts, than this game would be the perfect choice as it has a huge library of tricks and stunts to perform.

Similarly, BMX Pro Style has very impressive features as well, which makes it a great choice for both BMX beginners and experts. You can try most of the real-world tricks and scenarios in this game without having to actually put your body on the line and face the risk of an injury. This game has a very simple learning curve, and within a day or two you would be able to play it like an expert. Amazing back flips and wheelies are the best attraction for this game which makes it liked passionately among young cyclists.

Another game that has a very good following is BMX Park, which is popular because of having very cool backgrounds and locations; its graphics is also very high-end and makes you feel as if you are riding the bike in real world.

Above mentioned are just few of the many popular BMX Games online. In order to choose the right game to play you would have to find out your exact requirements and preferences and then select the most appropriate one.

Author Bio:
Eric is Hardware and Networking Technician who loves to write on the Latest in Gaming Technology. In his Free Time he loves to play BMX Bike Games.

The Best Concert Ticket Apps For Amazing Deals

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Getting tickets for the biggest concert of the Summer is not always plain sailing and quite often we need to tighten the purse strings so we can afford that ticket. Concert ticket sites like BoxOfficeHero and TicketMaster usually offer some good value deals for shows, but to be sure that you are getting the best possible deal you should take a look at these powerful smartphone apps specifically for buying tickets, to make real savings on your tickets.

eSeats Tickets (Free)

eSeats is an app that is well loved by all of its users. Money back guarantees and a dedication to customer service make it a safe bet for those of us that are new to ticket apps. eSeats prides itself on allowing only genuine tickets to be sold through its app and their well placed connections within the business enable them to offer tickets to shows that are already sold out.

Verdict – A simple app with great resources for finding good deals and excellent customer service.

StubHub (Free)

Download via iTunes
StubHub boasts that they bring the world’s largest ticket marketplace right to your Smartphone, and with hundreds of ticket retailers to choose from, finding good value for money is not such a difficult task. StubHub also allows ticket holders to sell on unwanted tickets through the app and while buying tickets in this manner usually ends up costing a small fortune, you’d be surprised how much some will sell their extra stubs for just to get rid of them.

Verdict – A large database of ticket retailers plus private sellers gives you greater odds at finding a good deal.

Live Nation (Free)

Download via Google play
The world’s leading live entertainment company have now got their very own app. Live Nation seems to be the app that’s in the know when it comes to ticket sales. Exclusive app pre-sales, on sales, and last minute tickets are just some of the great deals that can be found in app. Find tickets for concerts that you thought were sold out and even get bargain tickets for the biggest shows.

Verdict – A great app for offering a variety of deals on tickets and a sure thing for good value.

SeatGeek (Free)

Download via iTunes
By far and away one of the best apps for getting deals on tickets is the SeatGeek app. This brilliant app has interactive maps that let you get right into the venue before you buy your ticket. You can easily see which tickets are good value as all of those available are highlighted in green and the pricey tickets are a dark red and easy to avoid. SeatGeek also uses a deal rating system that scores each ticket from 1-100 with regards to how good a deal you are getting.

Verdict – With fantastic interactive venue maps and a simple but very effective deal rating system, SeatGeek is an absolute must for concert goers looking for amazing deals.

Secure File Sharing Without Content Sharing

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Secure File Sharing Without Content Sharing
Img.Credit: freedigitalphotos
How often do you send emails, Word files or spreadsheets containing information that whilst not “top secret” it would be better that they were only accessed by your intended recipient? In the case of large file exchange or sharing this is normally achieved by uploading the file to a file sharing server and then letting the recipient know that it is there for them to download. Should we do more to protect these “shared files” from unauthorised access? Well in fact if these “file shares” are part and parcel to your companies business and contain any personal information you have a legal duty of care to ensure that their content is not revealed to the wider world.

Sending emails and files in “clear text” format is like sending your business letters on a post card. They can be intercepted and read by anyone who has the will to do so. Routinely our electronic ramblings are monitored by the various national security services at the very least.

So what can we do about it? We can obscure the content by means of encryption. By encrypting the content of an email or file we have effectively sealed it in an envelope. But surely this is going to be complicated and require the installation of software not only for me but also for my intended recipient, I hear you say. Well not necessarily. The new and emerging software solutions to this aged problem of providing robust encryption that everyone can use, simply without the need to understand all of the requisite complexities of random number generators, entropy and key pairs is proving that it is possible to bury these hitherto barriers within the program allowing a straightforward user interface to guide the user effortlessly through the maze in a couple of simple clicks.

If you will allow the pun, the “key” to this has been utilising a unique identifier for both sender and receiver. In this electronic age we all have such a thing, our email address! Imagine a system where a user’s email address is used in this way, the system can then generate key pairs associated with this address. These key pairs will be used to encrypt and decrypt any code the user may require protecting; emails, files, disks, thumb drives, CD-ROMs the list goes on. These encrypted portions of code can then be safely transported over any public or private network including the internet. They can even be stored on public servers awaiting collection by the recipient with the correct key/email address.

But how does the intended recipient’s email address work to decrypt the message? Easy because the data author or owner will know who they want to share that data with,so all that needs to happenis for the sender to supply the system with the email address of the intended recipient and it creates the necessary key pairs to enable encryption and decryption of the target code. These matching key pairs can be one-time pairs that will only apply to each data exchange further improving the security. Since each key pairing is only good for one exchange, if they were to be compromised it does not result in any future or past exchange being put at risk, clever!

This type of system can be used to encrypt emails, their attachments, files copied to disks, thumb drives, CD-ROMs in fact any media. Making use of a cloud based repository you instantly have the ability to transfer large encrypted files with users anywhere on the planet. Or if you prefer by hand via whatever storage medium you wish to use.

One such system Egress’s Switch even allows you to make these secure file transfers with user’s who are not subscribers to the system. This allows you to make secure exchanges with your trading partners or friends without the need for them to make any installation of software on their systems. Superb!

4 Ways Technology Could Save Lives

Thursday, 30 May 2013

4 Ways Technology Could Save Lives

For those who can afford to have the best technology science has to offer, you are in for a treat as we go through some of the most innovative features available for us today. You will even see that some technologies are even overlooked or unheard of. We know some of the obvious types of technologies available, but did you know that some of these advancements can even save your life?

1.) Solar Charger

The whole point of having solar energy is that you can charge it anywhere sun is available. You don’t need to sit still or have to be in a specific place to take advantage of solar power, it's just simple - use the sun. At times solar chargers can get pricey, but when you are stranded and your GPS doesn't work, you will wish you dropped the extra cash for a solar charger. Solar Chargers work very effectively by converting the sun's rays into 12V electricity. You might not think you need it, but we will talk when you are at the top of your mountain and your phone is dead and unable to Instagram it.

2.) Technical Clothing

What? How can clothing be technical? It's so simple! Well it is. Scientists actually invented many of the materials used in outdoor clothing. I’m not sure why it's called technical clothing, but it is. In all simplicity it's based on a concept that if you layer more on you with in clothing (not just putting on 4 shirts) you will be safer from harsher weather conditions. You will find that most outdoor enthusiasts spend hundreds of dollars on technical clothing. The very effective but still expensive brand Patagonia offers plenty of options tailored for enthusiasts that are wanting to have extra safety as they go on a hike, climb, or a long trek with a bike.

3.) GPS

We tend to not think about what gps is doing exactly. When we are in a large city, we don’t really think about how cool it is and how easy it makes search engines do things for us. When we really need it to work, we are always in a place we are unfamiliar with. With the advancements of technology today, it's possible to be completely lost and with the use of GPS systems, we are able to get routed back on our way to where we want.

4.) Smart Homes

Most of the time we always worry about how we are doing when we're away from our home and only worry about the safety of our own (which is actually very important). We also need to take into consideration that our homes are in danger as well. Burglars take advantage of homeowners that are away from their homes for long periods of time. They even take note of when you leave the house. Think about this - You spend about 20 minutes outside your home packing everything for a huge getaway, and criminals take note of all that. There is a security systems company that allows you to arm your home from miles away and essentially protecting your home from criminals.

Using these type of technologies wont make criminals stop being criminals or stop you for sure from getting in dangerous situations, but it does have the potential to arm you with the appropriate devices to respond in the right way.

Author Bio:
Ronak is a blogger, writer, and a musician. Follow him on Twitter, Instagram, & Soundcloud (@ronakbear).

Download Cyberlink YouCam 5 Pre Activated

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


CyberLink YouCam 5 is a software designed to facilitate you in the picture or video of expression with which embellished with a variety of very interesting effects. For those of you who like Video Chat, maybe this is one of the main application is very useful to make your chat more interesting and exciting.CyberLink YouCam 5 also provided facilities Download additional effects of DirectorZone for free. The program provides four types of video effects that include emotional effects, filters, frames, and distortion. YouCam supports some software that is so popular for a chat like Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, AOL and Instant Messenger.

Feature CyberLink YouCam 5.0:

Three dimensional effects are very interesting
Emotion Effect
Add frame effects to you are photos or video
Effects include distortion model, the effect of mirror distortion
Securities that can be personally designed by Drawing tools filter

How to Download:

Download Part 1
Download Part 2

Password : www.pkgames.net

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Free Direct Download Road Rash 2002 PC Game

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

System Requirements:

CPU Type: P3
CPU Speed in MHz: 700
RAM: 128MB
Sound Card: DirectX compatible
Video card : 32MB

How to Download:

Download Game

Password : www.pkgames.net

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Getting The Most Out Of Your Smart Phone

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Getting The Most Out Of Your Smart Phone
Credit: freedigitalphotos
If you're a smartphone owner, chances are, you're probably overwhelmed when choosing apps. While some people refuse to put more than one or two apps on their sound, others end up with far too many, slowing down their phone and not getting much use out of them. If you want to know how to make more out of your smartphone apps, use these tips to choose the best select apps for your phone.

Figure Out What You Need

What is the one thing that you wish your phone could do? Many people sit down and write a list, which may seem time consuming, but can turn out to be helpful. Do you want your phone to work as a GPS, store shopping lists, be able to find restaurants close? Figure out the top five or ten functions that you want to see in your phone. There are apps for almost everything today, so don't feel limited. Keep your list to 15 items or less if you want to maintain the speed of your phone.

Do your research after you have your list, search for apps and read what each app does and if it will be the best thing for your life style. If you want an app that tracks your running progress, look through a few of the many options before choosing one. Each app has slightly different specifications and browsing through a few before settling on one will make sure that you get the most use out of every app.

Limit Yourself

You may be tempted to choose multiple apps for the same function, but chances are you won't use these. For instance, there are multiple free news apps that are great for travelers who want to stay current. However, having 5 news apps is only going to clutter your phone and be redundant. You probably can get by with one or at the most, two newspaper apps. Try to stick with just one app for everything on your list of "must-haves" and avoid adding apps that you already have similar versions.

Break Out Your Wallet

There are many free apps and most of these free offers are great! Chances are, you can probably get the apps you want without spending a penny. However, in some instances, you may be better off paying a few bucks for one of your apps. This applies to Rippln mobile especially if you consider the benefits it brings. This goes back to the quality idea. A free app that doesn't do what you ask it to be worthless. If you pay a few bucks for an app that you'll use three times as much as a free one, you're getting your money's worth.

Switch It Out

Everyone changes and you'll find that the apps you originally chose for your phone may not be needed after a few months. Just like you spring clean your home, don't be afraid to spring clean your phone. Periodically check through your apps and find out which ones you're really not practicing anymore. This will help you to get the most use from each app and avoid slowing down your phone.

Author Bio:
Jocelyn D. Mejia is an active blogger on internet marketing trends, innovations and happenings in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Free Download PowerTools 2012 With Crack And Serial Key

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


jv16 PowerTools 2012 is a full Windows optimization utility suite containing 32 different tools. Each of these tools is carefully crafted with the experience of over 10 years of Windows utility and registry cleaning experience to form a solid foundation to a smoother and faster system.

How to Download:


Password : www.pkgames.net

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Your Life Is In That Computer. Back It Up Properly!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Your Life Is In That Computer. Back It Up Properly!
Creative Commons image source
Computers are everything these days, in quite a literal sense. They are no longer just used to write papers or complete some work project. They are a portal into our social lives with social media, they contain and play all of our music, and, perhaps most importantly, they store most of our digital pictures. It feels good to have all your information stored in one, easy-to-access machine, but there is always the fear of losing the information. That is why now, more than ever, it is important to back up your computer.

But, what files should you backup and what options are available when it comes to Properly saving your important data? The simple answer is that you should back up whatever files are important to you. As far as options that are available, most experts recommend that you use the rule of threes when it comes to storage. This means that you should have a local backup, such as a physical DVD or external hard drive, you should have an off-site backup like an online cloud storage account, and you should have a copy that is saved on your computer. Although this may sound excessive, you can rest assured that you will never lose any of your important data.

Files Can Become Corrupted And Unreadable:

There are a variety of ways a computer can lose information, and, with digital media, it is all too easy to lose information. One of the easiest ways to lose your pictures is if they become corrupted. Only a tech junkie would be able to describe exactly how it happens, but, in layman’s terms, something about the file becomes unplayable. It could be as something as simple as the name of the file or the code that allows the file to be displayed on the computer. This can happen for a variety of reasons; one of which is as simple as updating the software on your computer. This random loss of personal multimedia should lead you to want to back up those files.

Physical Loss Or Damage Is A Concern:

Physical loss is another way that you can lose the files on your computer. There are a couple of different ways to physically lose your computer and the first of those ways is damage. There could be a flood, a short in the electrical system of your apartment or you could just drop the laptop out in public. A powerful magnet could even wipe the computer clean in the right circumstances. It doesn’t matter if you have a desk top computer at home or you travel around with a laptop, there are a variety of ways to physically damage your computer to the point where you lose your information.

Theft Happens:

Theft is another horrific way to lose your personal info. I have heard countless stories of people going on vacation with their laptop so they could take as many photos and videos as possible. Then they’d store the info on their computer to free up space in their camera and, boom; they lose their computer to theft; a lifetime worth of memories gone.

Since you can lose you data physically to damage or theft it is better to use a cloud backup service. A service where you can upload all your info to the internet so you can access it at any time and there is no risk of physical loss.

Author Bio:
Stephanie Frasco is the Community Manager for the MyReviewsNow website. She wrote this blog post about having the best backup software for your computer. You can read more at our http://www.myreviewsnow.net website.

Here's Exactly How To Use Your Phone To Book Your Next Vacation

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Booking your next vacation may take a lot of time to complete, especially if you’re the busy kind of person. Chances are you will be seeking the help of a travel agent to furnish your trip based on your preferences instead, as you don’t have the time to work on it on your own.

But what if you’re not into coordinating with an agent to furnish your travel needs? Well, you can still do things on your own, but this time you will need an assistant-your phone.

There are many ways in which you can use your phone to book your next vacation. And yes, it is capable of doing the job right, so you don’t have to worry a bit. Here’s a step-by-step guide that you can follow:

Step 1: Download a travel app.

Mobile travel apps are rampant nowadays, and if you’re working on your vacation plans then you should get a travel app on your phone right away. There are many travel apps that you can check out depending on your preparation needs. There’s the TripAdvisor app which allows you to browse on different hotels in the destinations you intend to visit, as well as user reviews that can help you choose the best hotel to book at.

There are also other travel apps that provide you with full packaged tour deals which include hotels, itineraries and mode of transport. You may want to take advantage of these too as they cut the time you have to spend working on your vacation needs.

Step 2: Start booking.

When you use the apps you’ve downloaded, you may want to proceed with booking right on your phone after making your choices. You can book reservations right on these apps, as most of them are already integrated with booking sites that can process your orders.

Booking also depends on the app you’re using. For apps that cater to hotels only, then you can proceed with making a reservation through them on your phone. You will then be guided to a customer service representative who will take charge of confirming your order and create a reservation that would be ready for use once paid.

You don’t have to pay upfront when making a reservation. Some reservations are open for a week or so, until you decide to confirm, change the dates or cancel it. The important thing is you already have a template to follow or use for your travel plans.

Step 3: Check for the nearby amenities.

Before you actually pay your reservation, you may want to look at the available attractions, amenities and highlights in your chosen destination. These include the parks, museums, nearby beaches and other tourist landmarks that you will enjoy checking out. You can do this right on your smartphone using other apps, or via Wikipedia.

Doing this is very important because you are given a better picture of what to expect from your vacation; you cannot just rely on your friend's pictures and feedback in case they’ve been to the places you want to visit otherwise you might end up regretting your holiday in the long run.

For example, if you are planning to visit New England and would want to exercise your gambling skills, you may want to look for a nearby casino Connecticut is famous for or Vermont. You may not book a reservation in these establishments, but you can visit them to play your favorite games during the course of your vacation.

Step 4: Confirm and pay.

Once you have finalized your reservations, your chosen hotels and itineraries, airfares and even the choice of amenities you’d like to check out, then you can go ahead and confirm your bookings. There are many travel apps these days that allow you to make orders and pay for your purchases right on your own phone.

Some apps would redirect you to their affiliate companies that will take charge of securing your payment. Most online payments are completed using credit cards such as Visa or MasterCard, so you should prepare your cards when securing your reservations. Some on the other hand prefer online payment systems, such as PayPal, as these are more convenient in terms of processing.

Step 5: Tally your itinerary.

Finally, when everything’s secured and paid for, it’s time for you to tally your itinerary right on your phone. There are apps that allow you to do this, such as TripIt. These apps prepare your travel plan based on your purchased packages, and once you’re on your trip you kept from being lost from your intended travel activities.

Travel organizer apps help a lot in keeping you on track during your vacation. Sure, they can be a bit OC, but they give you the advantage of maxing out the limited time you have on your holiday. You can only do as much during your vacation, thus you’d have to make the most of it.

A few more vacation planning tips

When planning out your next vacation, think about this: what do you want to do during your time away from home? This will give you the foundations of the kind of vacation to get, no matter how silly it would seem to be for some. But the bottom line is, if it’s how you want to spend your vacation, then by all means-go for it.

Also, when planning your vacation, you should do it at the right timing. You may want to settle at a time when tourists are not flocking vacation hotspots, as the rates of hotels, tours and transport are relatively much cheaper. You can also score discounted deals that would allow you to save more money in the long run.

Lastly, plan your trip early. Early birds always get the best deals. If you do your travel planning ahead of time, you are able to look at more choices, even if you intend to go during the peak season. Early planning also gives more time to gather your resources and save more money for travel expenses until your departure date comes.

Author Bio:
Bill Powers is a freelance writer who loves to write about vacations, traveling and exotic locations. He also writes for Foxwoods Resort; follow them on Twitter and Facebook.

Free Download Virtual DJ v7.0 PRO With Crack And Serial Key

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


VirtualDJ is the hottest AUDIO and VIDEO mixing software, targeting DJs from the bedroom, mobile, and professional superstars like Carl Cox. With VirtualDJ's breakthrough BeatLock engine, songs will always stay in beat, and the DJ works their mixes incredibly faster than they ever could. The automatic seamless loop engine and synchronized sampler lets the DJ perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow a DJ to clearly see the song structure, and never be surprised by a break. The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat. Add to that the infinite number of cue points a DJ can save for each song and large collection of wonderful automatically beat-synchronized effects. And with VirtualDJ's large collection of skin interfaces to suit everybody from the beginner to the professional DJ, the possibility to record the DJ's mix to then burn to CDs, to broadcasting on the Internet and/or the DJ's own radio station, to use headphones to preview the song, or use an external mixer to perform in a club; VirtualDJ is a DJ's ULTIMATE mix software. Lastly, enter the new era of DJs mixing video enhanced songs (DVD, DivX, MPEG...) which can be sent to monitors, TVs, a projector for display on a giant screen. VirtualDJ brings all that and more to the DJ in the most easy-to-use way and at the most affordable price for the ULTIMATE DJ MIX EXPERIENCE. VirtualDJ gets updated all the times. The current version is 7.3. For more up-to-date information, you should also check this review of the major new features, or this detailed list of the latest updates. Basic features: up to 99 independent zero-latency players with: Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue) Pitch control with Master Tempo (from -100% to +100%) 3 band equalizer High, Mid, and Low with Kill and +/-30db gain Independant key control Resonant filter One-click beat matching and synchronization (FAME algorithm) BeatLock engine for keeping songs in-sync and in-time Dynamic beat-matching visualizer Automatic beat-matched crossfading Automatic BPM and KEY calculation Automatic pitch matching Automatic audio gain matching Real scratch simulation Automatic seamless and beat-aware LOOP functionality Synchronized sampler with 12 instant record and playback slots Time-Stretch and Master Tempo Pitch algorithms Automatic first beat and last beat detection Automatic 4/4 phase detection Infinite number of cue points per song saved for instant recall each time the song is loaded Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin doubles, vocal remover, frequency filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc...) VST effects compatibility (PC version Only) Video mix with windowed or FULL SCREEN TV output using 2nd video output Karaoke CDG+MP3 and/or ZIP support FreeFrame and custom video effects Infinite number of video effects applied simultaneously DJ-specific video transition plugins Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature CoverFlow or text-only song browsing Compatible with iTunes playlists (iTunes DRM files not supported) MP3 ID3 Tag compatibility User-defined automatic filter folders Automatic Hot-Swap of external hard drives Ready-to-burn recording of a DJs mix to CD Broadcast on the Internet CD to MP3 encoder Multi-channel sound card, dual-sound card or Y-splitter output for real-time monitoring or external mixer use ASIO soundcard compatibility CoreAudio soundcard compatibility Fully customizable skin engine and shortcut macro engine VDJScript: powerful macro language used in skins, shortcuts, or controller mapping Compatibility and customizable mapping with most external MIDI and HID controllers (more than 80 included, many more downloadable) Optional automatic playlist mixing: VirtualDJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapts the mix accordingly Netsearch: search and play any song from an online database of more than 8 million tracks MusicGroup: get live recommendations based on what you play and the feedback from millions of other DJs around the world GenuisDJ: automatically fill your folders with the latest hits depending on what you usually play this is paid software, but if you want to try free you can download it here.

How to Download:


Password : www.pkgames.net

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How to join .rar files ? Without Using Any Software

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Many of us are in denial that HJ-Split is going to join the rar files, but it is wrong. This is not the way how RAR files are going to be join. I had seen many visitors of my blog who are complaining for not getting the resultant output file as they are using HJ-Split to join the rar files. Taking them and request of many visitors in consideration, In this tutorial I am going to show you how to join the rar files (and don't confuse rar and zip files, they both are same).

Step 1 : In the below seen, you have MS Office 2007.rar having 6 parts.

Step 2 : To join these rar files, first you need to right click on part 1 of your file (here it is "MS Office 2007.part1) then click on "Extract files..".

Step 3 : Now a screen will prompt asking for desired location. You can choose the same location shown by Winrar as default (here default location is : D:\@Expert2Program.blogspot.com\MS Office 2007) or the one where you want the file to be extracted.

Step 4 : Once you click on OK button, the files(parts) get start joining and after the joining will complete you will get the output file.

Step 5 : So, here is your output file i.e. "MS Office 2007" folder at the top as shown below.

I hope that will correct you (who are still trying to join rar file using HJ-Split) and help you to get through How to join rar files. If you have any query or suggestion, you are free to give using Comment box below.

Pros And Cons Of IPhones

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Pros And Cons Of IPhones
Img. Credit: freedigitalphotos
There is a great deal of buzz in the smart phone arena as of late. With the HTC Droid DNA and the upcoming Samsung Galaxy4 giving iPhone a run for its money. With the new kids on the block many are wondering where iPhone stands in what it provides. This article will not be a comparison review, mainly because the iPhone will probably appeal to a different kind of person that the Android operated phones. This will be more of a pro and con evaluation of the iPhone 5.


For the past 6+ years the iPhone has established itself as the ultimate in smartphones. The iPhone almost made the Blackberry obsolete. What makes the iPhone a constant, even with the challenge of the up and comers, is its dependability. The IOS system through which the iPhone operates is the easiest one of the most dependable on the market. It allows for easy interface navigation and system storage. With the iPhone, most every function is a touch or a swipe away. The S model also allows for ultimate voice management of the phone.

Because the iPhone is the most popular phone on the market there are numerous applications for almost any service and company you can imagine. You can do your banking, shopping, and numerous other tasks through applications without ever going directly to your web-browser. The applications are designed to store all of the user’s information, so that the user does not have enter that information on each visit, exposing their personal information.

The iPhone also allows for easy music and video downloads through the Apple Store. The Apple Store provides a secure place to locate and download your favorite songs and movies. You can also integrate you iPhone with your iTunes application which will help you manage your applications as well as allow you to store all of your music and movie files. iTunes also allows you to sync all of your information to the iCloud for safe keeping.

One of the most powerful pros to owning an iPhone is the access to Apples’ exceptional customer care. Apple is widely recognized as an industry leader in customer service and customer satisfaction.


When it comes to the cons to owning an iPhone, there would be very few, but they are worth mentioning.

One of the things that makes this phone special can also be a hang up for some users. The fact that you have to go the through the iPhone store to download anything can be a little annoying. Even if you find an application that you want on the web, you will have to go through the iStore to purchase and download it.

Another con is the inability to personalize the phone at any extensive level. There are no aftermarket themes that will allow you to make your iPhone your own.

Though the phone has improved in the area of durability it is still the most damaged smartphone on the market.

In short, the iPhone is dependable and predictable. It does not provide the frills of some of the up and comers, but it has a track record of being trustworthy.

Author Bio:
Louis Rossmann is a straight shooting tech guy who specializes in repair and LCD replacement. Contact him through his Rossman Group website.

5 Must Have Mobile Phone Apps For Your Job Interview

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

5 Must Have Mobile Phone Apps For Your Job Interview
Img. Credit: freedigitalphotos
A Mobile phone is the most handy gadget we have access to anytime, any day and depending on how you adapt yours, it can be a lot more functional for you. If you are a job seeker, there are brilliant apps that can make your job search much more efficient and these are discussed below.

5 Must Have Mobile Apps for Job Seekers

1.) iPQ Career Planner

This app is a definite must if you are a college graduate in the uncertain job market. What this app allows any job seeker to do is take an assessment, answering questions about your own personal traits to assess your strengths and weaknesses. It also allows the user to familiarize themselves with questions an interviewer may use during the personal assessment. The most important feature of this app is its ability to download a report that summarizes the strengths, weaknesses, and helps identify a suitable job for your desired career path.

2.) Pocket Resume

This keen app is for career seekers on the go, who want to showcase their skills in a short amount of time. With Pocket Resume, you are allowed to create a resume directly from your smart phone or tablet by just entering the requested details asked by the app. There is no need to focus on the formatting or layout of the resume, the app will generate all of this for you upon completion. You are allowed to create and store multiple resumes, and also send them directly from your mobile device to your desired employer. This app is essential for those who are always travelling and on the go, but need to make small changes to their current resume for different positions.

3.) Hidden Jobs

Unknown to most career seekers, the majority of open jobs are not posted in the classified ads or online job sites. The Hidden Jobs app is capable of tracking millions of unadvertised careers from company leads before they begin to hire. The app is not a job seeking app, but more of a career scouting app, notifying you where jobs will open in the near future in a location near you. This app uses Google to find open jobs at the company you decide to track, and sends push notifications once any hiring initiative has begun.

4.) Good Job

This is one of the most valuable job searching apps on the market to date. This app the perfect assistant in one’s job search, with its multitude of features, such as saving client information, tracking successful and disappointing interviews, allowing for multiple resume storage and sending the right documents to the right companies. You are also allowed to store, back up, and send files from your mobile device in PDF format straight to your PC. The simplicity of the app allows for the reduction in overall paperwork, and is great for the multitasking career hunter.

5.) BeKnown

This mobile job seeking app has increased in trending popularity, because of the platforms it uses to attract attention to your personal profile. The app works with Facebook’s timeline without revealing social network interactions, so business and pleasure are never combined. Facebook is the #1 site employers browse online, more than any other site. This application allows for one to utilize their education and professional experience from their Facebook profile, while using a separate discreet website to showcase your professionalism.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Zendra Thurmin, a technology enthusiast and career adviser with useful tips on the best methods for effective job search in South Africa.